Good News

This is a summary of the Good News about of Jesus Christ

The truth is, there is a God, and He created everyone and everything for His glory and to live in His perfect will. (Gen 1:26-27Rev 4:11)

We all have broken our relationship with God and rejected His authority to follow our own desires. We are dead in our sin and God’s justice and wrath is now upon us. (Rom 3:10-11Rom 3:23Rom 6:23Eph 2:1)

But, and here’s the good news, despite our rebellion, God is loving and merciful and He sent Jesus to die in our place so that we can be saved from His judgment. Jesus, being God Himself, endured our punishment on the cross and satisfied His wrath for all who believe. (Rom 5:8-9Eph 2:4-5)

Jesus conquered death and rose again as the ruler of the Kingdom of God. God alone can make us alive through Jesus Christ so that we can rejoice in loving kindness for eternity (Rom 5:10Rom 6:4). By God’s grace, Jesus became our sin so that we could become His righteousness! (2 Cor 5:21)

You can’t be saved by how good you are, what church you attend, how many times you have been baptized, how sincere you are, how much money you have, or any other thing we can do.

This new life of salvation is a free gift of God for all who believe. It is through faith in Christ alone that we are saved from our sin! Believe this good news, this Gospel, and live joyfully for the God who has saved you. (Rom 10:9Eph 2:8-9John 2:4-5)

If you have more questions about the Gospel of Jesus Christ or would like to talk to someone about accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please email us at or visit here.