Christmas Celebration at Trade Lake

Love, Joy, Peace, all words that we use this time of year.
This Christmas at Trade Lake, we will be singing in the birth of our Savior as we look to the Bible and its songs of Christmas, songs filled with love, hope, and peace!

Trade Lake Baptist Church is a loving family of people from all walks of life that gather to praise our good God for sending His Son, Jesus! That is what Christmas is all about!

We hope you can join us for as many of these gatherings as you can!

Calendar of Events

December 3rd, 6:00PM — Christmas at Wood Lake

A night of carols and scripture at Wood Lake hosted together with other area evangelical churches.

December 17th, 7:00PM — Candlelight Christmas Special

A wonderful night of song, scripture, and cookies!
Join us as we sing and celebrate our savior!

December 24th, 4:00PM — Christmas Eve Worship

For the first time, we will be having a Christmas Eve worship time. This will be a casual gathering of hymns and scripture focused on the Gospel and the birth of Christ.

Christmas, December 25th, 6:00AM — Traditional Julotta

This special tradition goes back generations! Trade Lake has the pleasure of being one of the last churches still holding this traditional Swedish Christmas celebration!

Join us for song and Scripture done the old Swedish way!